Sorry, Dennis, but I stand by it. After reading about this thing for what, six years or so (Nov '03 is the first search result for 'Lionstracs'), and it STILL is a 'work in progress' that can't match a closed arranger for ease of use and sheer practicality, despite that first post being titled (by Dom himself) 'The future of arrangers'...

Well, the future has yet to arrive.
When it does (IF it does) I will be first in line to get one. But I have a feeling that it will have the words Yamaha or Korg or maybe even Roland on the panel. Somehow, ONLY those guys have a clue what arranger players in the vast majority actually want. I have always said I would LOVE an open arranger if I didn't lose what was good about a closed arranger at the same time. Seems utterly obvious Dom is incapable or unwilling to go that route, so I wait and wait for the REAL 'future' to arrive...
I think, in fairness, Dennis, after your last go-round with the MS, that perhaps it is YOU that needs to 'wait', and weigh in on the subject once you actually HAVE got the thing to perform the way you want it? Do you really want egg on your face a second time?

Your 180º on the MS the first time showed that there is a HUGE difference between theory and practice. As is obvious from the almost complete lack of anything decent posted in style format by those that HAVE had the MS for years, this is obviously anything BUT easy.
Let's just wait until you have figured out whether it does what you need on this second time around before you leap into the void again?

If the future arrived the way the optimists had predicted, I would be dictating this into thin air as I fly through the air in my sky-car, not typing it at home while oil approaches my beaches because we are still driving cars around that run on petrochemicals...