i guess they will continue to show off AUDYA, this time in their "hometown" Bologna Italy...
maybe we can get some more demos soon :-)
following is from their website translated from Italian to English via babelfish...
"Ketron will be present to the fair dedicated to the world of the musical instruments and the professional equipment for the show that will be kept to Bologna from the 15 to 17 May 2010. The last innovationes and the new modernizations will be introduced to the public Italian all software for own products. We wait for you numerous to the Pavilion 33 Stands F14 - G13"
original Italian text from their web...
"Ketron sarà presente alla fiera dedicata al mondo degli strumenti musicali e delle apparecchiature professionali per lo spettacolo che si terrà a Bologna dal 15 al 17 maggio 2010. Saranno presentate al pubblico italiano tutte le ultime novità ed i nuovi aggiornamenti software per i propri prodotti.
Vi aspettiamo numerosi al Padiglione 33 Stand F14 – G13"
[This message has been edited by leezone (edited 05-07-2010).]
[This message has been edited by leezone (edited 05-07-2010).]