But when talk about SD2, why not SD4? Would'nt that one add some more to it
compared to D2?
You can use the SD4 if you want, but the SD2 is tiny and I mean seriously tiny. I bet I could even fit it in my pocket it's that small. The level of intergeneration it has with Live Arranger is 100% compatibility. It was actually specifically designed for use with the SD2 so.... it's a really great choice.
You would have to compare the SD4 voice list to the SD2 to see if you could still retain 100% compatibility, but untimely you will not have access to the additional sounds the SD4 has because they are not displayed in Live Arranger.
So bottom line is I'd bet the SD4 sounds exactly the same as the SD2 and through Live Arranger you would have no benefit from buying the SD4. So if it was a choice between the two, then the SD2 would be my recommendation. If you had an SD4 already, then there would be no point in buying an SD2 as it would act exactly like an SD2 when connected.
Well that's the theory. For verification you would have to check the voice list but I'd bet there would be no issues at all.
Btw, the big screen and all buttons lighting make this machine a kind of
fancy as well. Reminds me of younger days when all kinds of flashing
lights and buttons worked like a magnet to me, the more the better.
Looks like it still fancy me a lot..
Yeah, there's been a few reactions to all the lights from friends I've shown the keyboard to it. It's usually wow... what the hell is that, it looks complicated. Which I'm happy to pretend that it is complicated and tell them that they have never seen anything like it before

It does look seriously cool. I must take some photo's of it actually and upload them. I've got a top end DSLR, full frame and 25Mega Pixels.