So, the OS 4.3 I think is ready now.
Tomorrow we will see if 64studio have the time to building all and bur the new ISO OS 4.3.
Here the last updates:
Press SETUP key and will display the all setup features, the Patch C is changed for use the LSCP soundbank loader.
Here the LSCP Sounbank loader update with the Scrollbar Up/Down and left/right.
I have added the left/righ scrollbar because now IF one sounds is missing/bad/wrong...the sampler type one Error sounds and will display the whole file path.
In this way you can see where is the soundbug and fix yourself.
then just reload the LSCP file and the sampler check again, the OK mean that the sound is loaded correct.
For the debug test, i have splitted ( copy/paste) the MS-02-instruments.lscp file and created many others with a parts groups sounds.
on restart, the system have loaded all, midiplayer have played the all tracks correct. this new system, you can create new small LSCP soundbank with the only sounds that you need on system.
I made for example a LSCP bank of the only drumkits, one for the Pianos and so on.
On restart the system will load all and merge all in realtime.
LACP sounbank files are now UNLIMITED, same way as the sounpatch..

James..enough for you?