Actually yes, if you sample a piano an SELL it as 'Steinway samples', you have to pay Steinway a license fee.
The issue isn't that someone sampled a Steinway. It is that someone spent a FORTUNE sampling that Steinway,
and you did nothing but copy their data. You didn't call in a string section at great expense, and spend a week getting all the notes
and articulations. You let them do all the work, then stole it. You didn't hire a bunch of first call horn player, you let someone else do all the work, and then STOLE it.
MAKE YOUR OWN SAMPLES, THIEF... (then remain silent while someone steals them for profit).
If I break into your warehouse and steal an MS, how is it any different? You spent a fortune making it.
I want it for free. Why can't I take it? You think YOU have a right to make a profit, but the sample makers DON'T?
Hey, James... send me ALL your commercial samples. No, I won't pay for them. I just want them. If you don't,
I will just take them. Sound OK with you?

How about that Corvette, Dom? I know you paid for it, but what right do you have to keep it..? I want it.
And I don't want to have to pay for it. By your own rules, I can come
and get it any time I want.
See you soon...