It appears an Extinction Level Event is in progress in the Gulf of Mexico.
The seabed has cracked in multiple points and is gushing up 120,000 barrels of oil per day.
Some scientists have put the estimate at around 300,000 barrels of oil per day along with a toxic gas flow of about 1 billion cubic feet per day.
There is no way to stop this blowout by conventional means.
The original well casing has been compromised and oil is forcing out through multiple failure points at extremely high pressure.
Leaks have been discovered on the sea floor over 20 miles from the original well. This is based on the 3 separate underwater oil plumes that have been reported to date.
The relief well is not a viable option any more under these circumstances.
The only way left is to slant drill a hole deep into the crust and detonate a nuke to collapse the well bore and fuse the leaks. However, this is an extremely risky operation. It could make things a lot worse by collapsing the sea floor.
Here is a NOAA computer simulation of the spill trajectory over a span of 132 days. We are at day 54. The oil itself will poison the water and kill off all the marine life in the Gulf of Mexico. However, this is not the worst part. The invisible killer is the toxic gas that it spewing out of the well estimated around 1 billion cubic feet per day.
EPA took some test readings of Volatile Organic Compounds in the Gulf and came up with a startling report.
1. Hydrogen Sulfide = 1200 parts per billion (Safe Level 5-10 parts per billion)
2. Benzene = 3000 parts per billion (Safe Level 1-4 parts per billion)
3. Methylene Chloride = 3400 parts per billion (Safe Level 61 parts per billion)
This will cause respiratory illness for millions, cancer, and result in birth defects of new born babies.
A major hurricane can sweep these deadly contaminants across the Eastern half of the United States. Please see the included JPEG.
Here is a quote from a scary article by Dr. Wickstrom:
"The hole will continue to increase in size allowing more and more oil to rise into the Gulf. After several billion barrels of oil have been released, the pressure within the massive cavity five miles beneath the ocean floor will begin to normalize.
This will allow the water, under the intense pressure at 1 mile deep, to be forced into the hole and the cavity where the oil was. The temperature at that depth is near 400 degrees, possibly more.
The water will be vaporized and turned into steam, creating an enormous amount of force, lifting the Gulf floor. It is difficult to know how much water will go down to the core and therefore, its not possible to fully calculate the rise of the floor.
The tsunami wave this will create will be anywhere from 20 to 80 feet high, possibly more. Then the floor will fall into the now vacant chamber. This is how nature will seal the hole.
Depending on the height of the tsunami, the ocean debris, oil, and existing structures that will be washed away on shore and inland, will leave the area from 50 to 200 miles inland devoid of life." The situation is getting so bad each passing day that now LATOC has created a new forum to discuss the Gulf Oil Disaster. This forum has a collection of threads discussing various aspects of the Gulf Oil Blowout.
Here is one thread discussing the real leak which is much bigger and more toxic: Gut wrenching scenes from the Gulf of Mexico: Here is a detailed explanation of all failed attempts by BP to cap the well and the ramifications of a downhole leak. The Macondo reservoir is estimated to hold 2 to 2.5 Billion Barrels of oil. If the seabed disintegrates, all of this oil will be released.
BP has sprayed over 1 million gallons of COREXIT to date to hide the underwater oil plumes from reaching the surface. This dispersant which was banned in the UK, is 4 times more toxic than oil by itself. However, when combined with oil, it is 11 times more toxic and would make matters worse. Even more alarming is the news coming out that BP has hired Wackenhut Corporation, a private security contractor, to do the spraying of Corexit on populated areas along the coastline. Here is a first hand account by witnesses mentioning how the spraying is being conducted under the cover of darkness in the middle of the night. Listen to Episode 81.1: James Fox - Jun 13, 2010 Update
People living 300 miles inland can smell the foul air like battery acid.
We have entered into uncharted territories.
Soon plans will be laid out to evacuate 30 million people living within 200 miles of the Gulf Coast. The highly toxic COREXIT may vaporize forming clouds and raining down the chemicals affecting everyone living on the Eastern half of the US: Fellow musicians living along the Gulf Coast, please use this forum to relay your personal experiences and stay in touch.
Let us be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.