Have to say guys, just looking at the range of Arrangers that are available and I tell you, I actually miss Technics. They produced good keyboards, and everything about the company was spot on.
Good support, additional styles, user communities and so on....!!!
My first pro Arranger was the SX-K700 and I gigged 2 nights a week with that puppy and a little Yamaha sound module. Think I was about 15 years old at the time and playing in pubs. Great days, and wow... you could even program 4 of your own 3 part styles into it
That blew my mind in those days.
I don't quite get why Technics ever pulled out of the market. Seems to me that they were doing everything right and had a lot of respect for their customers. Unlike KETRON who seem to hang around like a bad smell... anyway... Imagine what a KN 8000 would look like if they were still around.
I think there's a big opportunity here for Technics to re-enter the arranger market. Roland are kind of dormant and more focused on their Workstations, so you really only have KORG and Yamaha these days pushing out high technology. KETRON are an utter joke. Technics were well to push technology limits in the day too and I'm sure they would have no problem keeping up now either.
Their WSA 1 was ...WAY... ahead of it's time and that should have made it's way into their arrangers. Man that would be one sweet keyboard actually now that I think about it.
Anyway... just wanted to say that I MISS TECHNICS.