James appeared to like the piano sounds.
Over all it's a good rack unit, but the piano I like can only be found on the SXR-02 expansion. Patch 004. As I said in that other thread, it's to die for. Possibly the best piano sound I've ever heard in my entire life.
If I had an XR, I'd buy that expansion and use it for nothing else but that Piano.
Not that there's anything wrong with the other sounds. They are very good, but that Piano.... MAN...!!! Drool...!!!
Selling the Audya, Pa2X and XR for a Groove ? If you wanted to do that, I'd say sell the Audya and XR now, but hang onto the Pa2X until such time as your comfortable to let go and use the Groove as your full time arranger.
Downsizing is certainly the way to go though. The less you have the more you get done. It's just a matter of getting the right tool. For me right now my OASYS and Meidastation is pure heaven. I don't use anything else I own.