Pure speculation that's all it is. Before I personally will get excited the news and info will have to be more than just hearsay or somebodies wishful thinking. We need concrete evidence but unfortunately the only ones who can give us that are NOT speaking i.e. Yamaha Corp.
When something is leaked from Yamaha then I'll stand up and take notice. Until then it's just a waiting game and nothing more unfortunately. It's nice to dream and speculate of course but until the veil is removed by the hand of Yamaha and we actually know what we're looking at and what the details are and if Yamaha actually gave it 76 keys
etc., then we might as well be staring out into space looking for Fran to appear in a Superman suit as anything else.
In other words, don't have a heart attack waiting for Yamaha to spill the beans okay? And that includes me too.
Tyros4 (or whatever Yamaha decides to call it) will get here in Yamaha's own sweet time and hopefully at Yamaha's own "sweet" price
and not a day before. Enjoy what you play today because honestly Tyros4 (or whatever Yamaha decides to call it) may not arrive for a couple more years.
Oops! Sorry...
All the best,