Ouch! Okay, the Audya 5 (61 key) is definitely a Tyros 3 competitor being roughly $700 LESS than the Yammie but what troubles me is Ketron has yet to post any definitive specs for the Audya 5 leaving consumers up in the air as to its true capability. Realistically it is a smaller, lighter version of the Audya (76 key), agreed, but it would still be nice to know what's inside before a person forks over $4,000 plus to get one. Or do people really do that? That is, buy something sight unseen especially without knowing its full list of features and/or capabilities? Hmmmm... to each his own I reckon.
It sure would have also been nice if Ketron offered the Audya 4 module under 3 grand instead of the 4 grand + plus including taxes as it stands now. You have to realize that keyboards and/or modules are extremely marked up in price to what their actual true value is worth. For instance, the Audya 4 is selling for $3,778 according to Frank and most likely for each one sold Ketron would likely make over $2,000 in pure profit. If they sell five hundred of them that's well over a million bucks in their pocket free and clear. Which is fine and dandy because they're in business to make a profit no?
But who loses of course is the consumer who may not realize the ridiculous amount of overhead he is paying to pad Ketron's pocket and bottom line. Same thing with fine furniture too, where the profit margins are also HUMONGOUS!
C'est la vie!
Can't take it with you right?
Who cares if Ketron makes out like hogan's goat?
It will help keep them in business that much longer so they can keep ripping more people off for many more years to come selling their ridiculously overpriced products to gullible people like you and... you?
Same with Yammie by the way. You guys realize that the original Tyros was around $2,500 right? The Tyros 3 (a measly 5 1/2 years later) is over $2,000 MORE for basically the SAME keyboard?? Don't tell me SAV/2 is worth two extra grand either cuz they ain't... period. The overall Voice improvement on the Tyros 3 is also nice but two GRAND nicer!?!!?! Uh... no way folks.
Until consumers start fighting back against these exorbitantly over priced high-end arrangers and/or arranger modules Yammie and Ketron and the others will keep licking their chops and laughing all the way to the bank at our expense. Since I am a conscientious consumer advocate I feel strongly compelled to voice my concerns with others regarding these huge price discrepancies (rip-offs) and by doing so to hopefully see progress with manufacturers in lowering their prices in line to their products true value and worth instead of price gouging the world's populations in the name of greed.
All the best,