Tony H,
I share your concern about response on this site, the problem is simple its numbers, Ketron owners are not like Tyros 2 owners measure in 1000s and I am not sure at all about the Ketron set up on help it appears to be all via the USA and AJ ie. one man. I don't know what the link is. I can understand your frustration when you post a problem that you think someone else has got and you find no reply, I have a SD1+ World wide wide I am not sure how may have been made but I bet it's no more than 5000 if that - this spreads them thin. The operating system that Ketron use is DOS based and this went out on PCs about 15 years back, to load onto floppy disks is now unheard of on a PC, I am not surley telling you all something you don't allready know!
I was sold my SD1+ 12mths back by a distributor in Oldham England I think he had a few in boxes in the back and he said it was far better than the Tyros 2, I am not all that certain he was right and I now have a SD1+ with problems that I think are connected with a lack of investment in technology, I think we will all struggle with problems. With regard to your problem on delay if the last writer is correct and your kit write to HD or drags from HD before sending it out to the real world then my take on technology may well be right, if what he says is correct then there is not cure, I would wait until AJ has had time to read your mail and post an answer, it would be good to have a help line direct to Ketron Italy wouldn't it! and why ever not. We are the customers.
Don't all go silent on me surely you have something to add, agree or disagree!
If you don't think I am correct about the technology read the method of re-installing or upgraing to an higher version level of fimrware, it certainly puts you off doing it- my advice take a photo of the keyboard and post it on EBAY before upgrading.
I have seen a message from AJ to one chap and he says "the firmware may have become unstable" so reload it back on - this is the year of Our Lord 2006. Version 3.00 of Windows was said to be unsatble, me thinks!
If you have good firmware and hardware nothing should become unstable only the Dollar! Might come shopping this year to NY NY.
[This message has been edited by Tony Hughes (edited 12-28-2006).]
[This message has been edited by Tony Hughes (edited 12-28-2006).]
[This message has been edited by Tony Hughes (edited 12-28-2006).]
Tyros 4/Pair SR 350/ PC with a i8 intel chip, XENYX 802, Ford Focus 2 litre/Tascam DR07/Brother printer/Designjet 500/ our Doris/5 Grandchildren/ white boxers short Kymart shipped over and Typhoo Tea Earl Grey