Don't ever recall Jan Hammer being accused of being a prat back in the Mahivishnu days. I guess the degree of 'prat-ness' depends on the skill of the prat playing it!
I still prefer my KX-5 and old M-GS64 module as a 'sit-in' rig for just about any band - set's up quick, takes up NO room on stage, excels in expressiveness. You haven't LIVED until you have really got the possibilities of bending, trills AND vibrato all under the direct control of your fingers. Vibrato SPEED, shape and depth all infinitely variable in realtime... show me a WS or arranger with THAT!
Despite a quite antiquated sound source (the rack is about the equivalent of an old Super Sound Canvas), I get comments every time I play about how expressive and unique its' sound is from musicians and audience alike. In fact, I am always feeling a little hobbled whenever I get back on a conventional keyboard (turning your hand over to play on a pitch-strip changes the whole 'natural-ness' of the whole deal) to solo.
Let's face it, if using a keytar makes you a 'prat', 90% of all the guitarists out there are equally prat-ish