My only question is when is Yamaha going to "stop beating a dead horse" already?

Nothing radical has occurred since the original Tyros, in my opinion, only some improvement with the introduction of Super Articulation/2 and some minor cosmetics e.g. sliders, etc.; since the original Tyros already included Mega Voice technology and a huge LCD screen, etc. In fact, (and don't laugh) the Drums on the Tyros4 sound worse than the Drums on the original Tyros in my opinion. And that Irish song sounds "horrible" if you ask me.
Not to worry though, as most assuredly Yamaha will most likely sell a boat load of Tyros4' having realized a long time ago they can pretty much "put anything out there" and their devoted customer base will fall head over heels in love

taking the 'incremental' bait "hook, line, and sinker - as always."

And Yamaha laughs all the way to the bank... beating another dead horse to a pulp in the process. But what do I know.
If people keep buying their enormously expensive incremental upgrade keyboards Yamaha will gladly keep doling them out to you. When people "demand" something more than just 'smoke and mirrors' and minor incremental improvements (and withhold their wallets until such a time) then, and only then, will Yamaha (and others) start to produce something of real significance and considered "par excellence." Until then, mediocrity (incrementalism) will be the new normal - all because people "don't give a hoot" - apparently. How's that to brighten your day?

All the best,