#291972 - 09/01/10 03:24 PM
Re: Tyros 4 Sneek Preview
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
Originally posted by keybplayer: My only question is when is Yamaha going to "stop beating a dead horse" already? 
Nothing radical has occurred since the original Tyros, in my opinion, only some improvement with the introduction of Super Articulation/2 and some minor cosmetics e.g. sliders, etc.; since the original Tyros already included Mega Voice technology and a huge LCD screen, etc. In fact, (and don't laugh) the Drums on the Tyros4 sound worse than the Drums on the original Tyros in my opinion. And that Irish song sounds "horrible" if you ask me.
Not to worry though, as most assuredly Yamaha will most likely sell a boat load of Tyros4' having realized a long time ago they can pretty much "put anything out there" and their devoted customer base will fall head over heels in love taking the 'incremental' bait "hook, line, and sinker - as always." And Yamaha laughs all the way to the bank... beating another dead horse to a pulp in the process. But what do I know.
If people keep buying their enormously expensive incremental upgrade keyboards Yamaha will gladly keep doling them out to you. When people "demand" something more than just 'smoke and mirrors' and minor incremental improvements (and withhold their wallets until such a time) then, and only then, will Yamaha (and others) start to produce something of real significance and considered "par excellence." Until then, mediocrity (incrementalism) will be the new normal - all because people "don't give a hoot" - apparently. How's that to brighten your day? 
All the best, MikeI guess no one is listening to your train of thought Mike as the T4 will outsell the T3 by a mile, as the throngs of loyal worldwide players love them....and why not? they sound AWESOME!!! and are so easy to play & operate... Yamaha will have another winner on September 17th for sure!
#291973 - 09/01/10 03:54 PM
Re: Tyros 4 Sneek Preview
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by keybplayer: My only question is when is Yamaha going to "stop beating a dead horse" already? 
It appears the "dead horse" has begun another life cycle, Michael. Appears that you and several other naysayers, not buying a Tyros has had little effect on the Tyros' accomplishments and longevity. What some people fail to realize, is that Tyros, in all it's iterations, is, and has been, a success. A radical change would mean an entirely new instrument that would not use the Tyros name, so incremental changes are the norm for each new Tyros model. Just my views, Ian
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#291979 - 09/02/10 12:05 PM
Re: Tyros 4 Sneek Preview
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
#291981 - 09/02/10 01:02 PM
Re: Tyros 4 Sneek Preview
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14372
Loc: NW Florida
Unless Yamaha have a pro rack Harmonizer somewhere in their product lineup, where on earth are they going to come up with the technology for a pro Harmonizer to put in an arranger? Auto-tune and other pitch correctors and harmony generators is some of the hottest software being used today, on just about ALL commercial productions. But Yamaha do not have a significant contender in this field. Expecting the first incarnation of something that IS world-class to appear in an obscure product line without having been splashed all over the rack processor division first is optimistic beyond belief, IMO. BTW, the earlier contention: Originally posted by Dnj: I guess no one is listening to your train of thought Mike as the T4 will outsell the T3 by a mile
is optimistic (or fanboy gushing, again). Did the T3 outsell even the T2? Somehow, in today's economy, I doubt it. Will the T4 outsell the T3? With the recession still raging, I doubt it. I would be very surprised to hear anything other than the T2 was the best selling Tyros so far, hitting the bubble just perfectly, loads of disposable income, and SA as a VERY significant improvement (so far missing from any subsequent Tyros) to justify the move. It still astounds me that anyone would even CONSIDER upgrading on such a tiny timeline, especially how little the upgrade gives you. I know, I know, a fool and his money are easily parted, but in these economic times, there has GOT to be a lot fewer fools around! A few sounds, a few features (very few, from all evidence so far!), a few new styles... you are going to ditch a well loved piece of gear you have worked hard to master, customize and become intimate with, for so little...? BTW, this isn't just Yamaha users. An awful lot of us equate a newer arranger with being better players. Boy, have I got bad news for you! I would be willing to bet that, in a blind listening test, unless a recognizably new sound was featured front and center, few of us here could tell a T2 from a T3. Especially in a user demo. Same for PA1 against PA2, G70 against E80, etc.. Heck, I've heard some SD1 stuff that was VERY close to some Audya demos..! Until the difference is night and day, until there is no doubt what model you are hearing from the first note onwards, why are you chucking money away and getting so little for it? Surely you don't think it is going to make YOU better? I guarantee, take the $1500 or so that trading up would have cost you, and spend it on a GOOD teacher, you will THINK you have bought a new arranger when you listen to yourself play 
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!