Traditionally, data management has been the domain of PC's. Graphics (right brained stuff) was the domain of the Mac. Our company had to have two set-ups, because, in spite of the hype, Macs and PC's didn't talk to each other without "glitches", and we did both research (left-brained stuff) and graphic design (right brained stuff).
Recent improvements make that less of a problem, and we're now having to "beef up" our PC capacity, because one big client is submitting graphic input created (and, now, with new software approaching the flexibility and innovation offered by pro level Quark) on PC's.
It's a changing world, but, for a while, at least, the "left-brainers" (linear thinkers-scientists, economists, etc.)are mostly PC users and "right brainers" (graphic artists, etc.) are Mac users. Strong efforts by PC manufacturers have convinced many film editors to use PC based editing software.
Change is constant. 15 years ago, I purchased the first Mac publishing suites at about $85,000.00 a pop. Now, even if you do world-quality work, $3500-4000.00, including pro software, will get it done. I used an AVID editing suite, which cost about $70,000.00, for all film (video, actually) until recently, when additional hard drive capacity and $1,000.00 in software gets equal-sometimes better results.
We just need to carefully determine what the the end product needs to be and TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT.
Russ (former hard-line Mac supporter) Lay