What is just SO unsatisfactory about what you are currently playing that the mere IDEA that a future product is on the (perhaps distant) horizon is enough to make you froth at the mouth like this..?
Who CARES what Korg, Yamaha, Roland,
anybody is going to make next year, year after, whatever..?

I GUARANTEE you haven't touched 60% of the capabilities of what you currently have.
You know what you REALLY want..? New styles. High quality styles. That's about IT. If new styles of the quality of the ROM ones were being offered for sale, you wouldn't really honestly give a damn about NEXT year's model! But while piracy, and rampant 'swapping' of styles goes on, and style makers can't make a living producing good ones, you HAVE to get a new arranger, JUST to get some new styles!
And that is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard...
Quit giving away styles you have bought... Every single style that is offered for sale is also, somewhere, being offered for free by somebody that bought it. And the only thing doing that guarantees is, there is less and less chance that whoever made that great style you bought is ever going to make another one!
We are shooting ourselves in the foot, trading styles around. There was a MUCH greater choice of third party great styles and manufacturer after-market styles back before the internet made giving these away to our friends SO easy. Now we are reduced to longing for distant new models (at thousands of dollars cost to us) because decent style production has ground to an almost complete stop.
Either we change what we do, or we are forced to buy a new arranger to get new styles, or wait a few months for the new styles in a new arranger to be backwards translated (and the manufacturers try as hard as they possibly can to make sure that new features are incorporated into those new styles so they DON'T translate well!), and they are STILL a pitiful handful, as most arrangers ROM styles are predominantly translations from earlier arranger models.
How many brand new styles (with absolutely NO common Parts with existing styles) come with most arrangers? Precious few, sadly.
Give me an unending supply of new styles, I can make an older arranger last for YEARS past where most would want to upgrade. And I am pretty sure most of you could, too...