#293061 - 09/14/10 09:26 PM
Just felt like playing some blues
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Just a quick and dirty one-shot of an old Buddy Johnson tune, "Since I fell for you", that I remember from my childhood. Don't know why I suddenly thought about it and I'm not much of a blues player but.....what the hey. Korg PA1x drums, VP550 background vocals (just to help identify the song), Nord C1 organ (of course), Tyros II rhythm guitar (jazz guitar patch), Korg PA1x piano (I like my Fantom G piano better, normally, but the Korg cuts through better on something like this), Nord C1/PK7a (pedals) bass. I didn't use any compression (since it was mainly 'noodling') so it sounds pretty lame through PC speakers (probably sounds lame anyway  ). I'll probably try to find it on the net, listen to it, and re-do it tomorrow (after I see what the 'right' chords are  ). http://www.box.net/shared/aadlclvqmt chas Oops, almost forgot. The lousy sax imitation is the Korg PA1x. The Tyros II sax is better but I think the Korg one sounds more soulful. JMO. [This message has been edited by cgiles (edited 09-14-2010).]
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
#293072 - 09/15/10 11:02 AM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Senior Member
Registered: 01/02/04
Posts: 7306
Loc: Lexington, Ky, USA
Man, that don't sound like no Kymco scooter ridin' nerd!(LOL).
That delicious, painfully slow tempo, that just sucks you right into the groove. Man, I miss that!
My preference would have been to just eliminate the guitar track and let the piano stand as the only comping instrument....OR, try to find some old, washed up guitar playing ex hippy to play guitar on in when he FINALLY finds his way back to Atlanta (HINT, HINT).
Russ (peace out, man) Lay
#293073 - 09/15/10 05:29 PM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
Nice stuff, as always, chas... LOVE that Nord!
If it helps, personally, I refuse to play a lead sax sound unless I can have my LH glued to the pitch lever. Not bending and scooping, even slightly, most of the notes in a sax line is the ONE thing that gives it away as a keyboard imitation. Sadly, the PA1 doesn't have a pitch strip (like the Triton's do) which offers even MORE in the way of live control over pitch (trills, note jumping, finger vibrato, etc.), but even so, listen to any sax player... there's hardly EVER a note that is hit perfectly in tune, and doesn't GO somewhere after initially hit.
It's like singing... Ever look at the graphical readout on Auto-Tune or any other pitch correction software? The human voice is anything BUT steady in pitch, everything is a slide from one place to another, you will NEVER see a string of notes hit in tune, that STAY in tune, and jump cleanly to the next note. Same with saxes...
There's nothing intrinsically WRONG with the Korg PA sax sound. Add the inflection that a real player would add, It's basically as good as any other, including SA sounds. After all, SA really is basically automatically adding the inflection and note join ups that a good player will put in manually. We have all heard user SA sax demos that suck as much as any other sax sound on other arrangers, there's no magic bullet.
Sure, you can over-use, or incorrectly use the bender, but even worse, IMO, is not using it at ALL...
Hope this helps. Keep 'em coming, my friend!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#293074 - 09/15/10 07:48 PM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Senior Member
Registered: 09/21/00
Posts: 43703
Originally posted by Diki: Nice stuff, as always, chas... LOVE that Nord!
If it helps, personally, I refuse to play a lead sax sound unless I can have my LH glued to the pitch lever. Not bending and scooping, even slightly, most of the notes in a sax line is the ONE thing that gives it away as a keyboard imitation. Sadly, the PA1 doesn't have a pitch strip (like the Triton's do) which offers even MORE in the way of live control over pitch (trills, note jumping, finger vibrato, etc.), but even so, listen to any sax player... there's hardly EVER a note that is hit perfectly in tune, and doesn't GO somewhere after initially hit.
It's like singing... Ever look at the graphical readout on Auto-Tune or any other pitch correction software? The human voice is anything BUT steady in pitch, everything is a slide from one place to another, you will NEVER see a string of notes hit in tune, that STAY in tune, and jump cleanly to the next note. Same with saxes...
There's nothing intrinsically WRONG with the Korg PA sax sound. Add the inflection that a real player would add, It's basically as good as any other, including SA sounds. After all, SA really is basically automatically adding the inflection and note join ups that a good player will put in manually. We have all heard user SA sax demos that suck as much as any other sax sound on other arrangers, there's no magic bullet.
Sure, you can over-use, or incorrectly use the bender, but even worse, IMO, is not using it at ALL...
Hope this helps. Keep 'em coming, my friend! Diki I know this is probably impossible....but can you provide an example of what your talking about ....I myself dont use the bend much......too busy doing other stuff when im playing. But maybe if I can hear some examples of the Sax stylings like your describing I can get an idea of where to start learning the technic someday. [This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 09-15-2010).]
#293077 - 09/15/10 10:06 PM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Chas, the sax sound was really good, but the notes bled together in various places, and a saxophone is a monophonic instrument.
Perhaps if you switched the sound to monophonic, it would at least prevent one note sounding against another, if you know what I mean.
All the pitch bends and scooping don't mean a thing if you have two notes bleeding together, and most keyboard players overdo the bending...not all sax players play like that, and it doesn't actually make it sound realistic unless you hear the change in timbre as well as the difference in throatiness.
Yamaha's T3 SA2 Sax comes the closest so far, in my opinion, although the sax you used has a nice, almost atmospheric, sound that is very appealing
Let's be realistic; I haven't heard anyone realistically duplicate a sax on a Yamaha Roland or a Korg...the best we can strive for is the illusion of a saxophone, or an impression of a saxophonist, but it is still very easy for a real sax player to pick out the unrealistic parts.
Love the Nord sound a lot...very earthy and warm, not at all digital sounding.
Again, nice stuff, buddy.
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#293081 - 09/17/10 03:13 AM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
It really doesn't take much to get into the pitch bend thing... to be honest, I find simply LISTENING to whatever you want to emulate for enough time, and you will quickly develop an ear for when you are getting it right. Quite a while back I posted a live version of 'How Sweet It Is (to be loved by you)' at Roland-arranger.com that has a played sax solo http://www.roland-arranger.com/smf/index.php?topic=845.0 (sax solo is at about 2:00 in). It's not my BEST work (just a live take) but maybe you get the gist from it... The trick really is to not exaggerate.... Tiny little scoops and bends go a LOT further than big dramatic ones, and learning WHERE they are best placed is most of the difficulty. Again, simply listening to sax players is the answer. BTW, I do NOT encourage you to switch to monophonic mode. Unfortunately, other than SA sounds (and even they are tricky to get phrased right), monophonic mode quickly makes you sound more like a synth or kazoo than a sax, as you end up with only the short, looped section of the waveform playing for entire notes. Careful attention to legato technique is what makes the difference.. I have a tendency to edit any horn sounds that don't stop quite quickly on note-up (you'd be surprised at how long some of the releases are) so that my playing alone determines the note-off point. Then just practice playing a line all the way from detach to smooth, smooth legato, and all points in between. Just be SURE to never let the end of the note overlap the beginning of the next one... For you, chas, pretend you are playing with the short Hammond percussion ONLY (no drawbars out). You KNOW how critical that staccato/legato thing is there, as it completely determines whether the note you play sounds at all! Overlap two notes, and the second doesn't sound at all... It's about that critical on a sax sound (or any wind instrument). Another thing to try for horn sounds is, if you are going to use aftertouch for vibrato, and your arranger can do it, program LFO SPEED as well as depth to increase with pressure, then program the LFO to be a little bit too slow at the lowest pressure setting, and just about right, or even a hair fast at highest pressure. Subtlety is the key, you only want it so you only JUST notice it, but a regular unchanging vibrato rate is once again a dead giveaway that it's a keyboard. Some can do the same trick with the modulation lever, too (I'm pretty sure all the Korg's can). The main point is to f*ck things up a bit... sax players are ANYTHING but machine perfect  , and anything you can do to throw in a bit of change into the sound goes a LONG way... Hope this encourages some of us to give the LH chord recognition a rest (make an SMF of the accompaniment, if you like), and use your LH for something expressive... 
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#293086 - 09/17/10 05:09 AM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Thanks Bebop. 'preciate it. Ian - the SA sax is (IMO) undeniably the best sax sound that I have available, but like Diki, you're assuming that realism is the primary thing here....it's not. It's the 'feel' of the song that's important to me, and also what sound (which sax patch, in this case) best fits the mood of the tune. For ME, FOR THIS TUNE, it was the breathy, over-reverbed, Korg sax. Just a matter of personal preference. Same with guitar. I prefer the 'jazz guitar' patch from the Tyros II for comping AND soloing. I'm kind of lazy, so once I find something I like, I tend to stay there. Diki, the techniques you outlined sound great, and I will practice and try to phase them into my playing technique when soloing a sax patch. I think the harder problem is trying to THINK like a sax player. Then, I think the phrasing, etc. would come more natural. Truth is, when I solo, I'm usually thinking more like a SINGER. I guess, down in my heart, I don't really think a keyboard emulation of another instrument is going to fool anybody, so you may as well just go ahead and play your licks. DonM comes as close as anybody with his 'guitar' licks, and I'm sure it's due in large part, to the fact that he also plays guitar. Using a drum machine, or the drum section of an arranger keyboard in my case, gives you a pretty static, semi-mechanical, background to work with, so you need to use the other instruments to supply the feel and dynamics normally supplied by the drummer........in other words, draw attention away from the fact that a machine is supplying that dead-on (and therefore unnatural) rhythm. Mostly, I just like to sit down and play. I guess I'm more invested in the song than the production, although I realize that both are important. If you listen to Ben Webster, Stan Getz, Lester Young, Grover Washington, Kenny G, King Curtis (remember him?), Charley Parker, you will soon realize that there is no 'classic' sax sound or style of playing. Uniqueness is the key, 'soul' is what is important (whatever the genre'). So I WILL be trying out those techniques and I WILL be trying to figure out how to utilize that great SA sax, but in the meantime.......... I'm happy with someone listening to it and 'wanting a drink of hard liquor', 'cause that's the way you're supposed to feel when 'yo' baby done left you'  . chas
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
#293088 - 09/17/10 05:32 AM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
Chas, the bar for 'thinking' like a GREAT sax player is so high, I don't even try! They are the gods of music, IMO, for all I would LIKE it to be piano players! But, when a sax player plays the blues, he's going to scoop, he's going to bend, he's going to moan! And NOBODY ever moaned at a constant pitch!  You can't even play a blues scale correctly on a keyboard without using a pitch bend lever... You can SING one, but an equal tempered keyboard can't play it. The thirds, the sevenths, they aren't Western... They are flattened a bit (or a lot!) and that's what makes it the blues. The flattened passing notes, the scooped notes... all define the blues. We all know and cringe whenever we hear someone with a classic background TRYING to play the blues or jazz. And playing a sax sound on straight notes, no bend lever has exactly the same effect. For me, it's fingernails on a chalkboard! If I can't use the bend lever (say I'm comping with the LH) I NEVER play a sax lead. Better to miss it altogether than screw it up, IMO. It's not about FOOLING anyone that they are hearing a sax. Only a fool would be fooled!  But, without that pitch indeterminacy, it's not a soulful sound, IMO. I'd rather use something that is SUPPOSED to be pitch stable (vibes, for instance) than a one hand sax, any day... BTW, I'm coming up to Atlanta end of this month for Petit Le Mans at Road Atlanta. Hopefully, we can meet and get to see one another while I'm in the neighborhood!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#293089 - 09/17/10 05:33 AM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by Diki:
It certainly helps those that have no decent sax chops at all (Yamaha's target market, for sure!), but it wasn't the eye-opener I had hoped it would be. Yes, and it really benefits those that have decent sax chops...you need more time to explore SA and SA2, especially the latter, and especially on a Tyros3 or T4...the Mo XS is pretty good, but not a patch on the Tyros sound. Yamaha's SA/SA2 voices would make a good player like yourself, sound even better. Ian
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#293092 - 09/17/10 06:12 AM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by Diki: The price for a marginal improvement in solo sax sound is too high for me, Ian... I suppose you're entitled to your opinion, Diki, but the improvement in the SA/SA2 sax over the sound in your G-70 is far more than just marginal. I've played both instruments...no contest whatsoever. You really haven't played a Tyros3 for any length of time, have you, because, since you profess to be such an expert in judging sound, I don't think you'd be saying it's "marginal" if you actually spent some time working with SA/SA2 and taking advantage of the phenomenal amount of expressiveness available to a skilled player. Ian
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#293093 - 09/17/10 06:24 AM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
Just explain how I can play piano parts on it, and I'll think about it, Ian...  Learn to take no for an answer!  I haven't gigged a 61 in twenty years or more, since the SQ2, I think. My primary stage keyboard has ALWAYS been a 76, since then. SQ2, K2500, G800, G1000, G70... And my NEXT keyboard will be a 76, too (if I ever get one, still content that nothing is better all round than the G). Doesn't appear (for now) that Yamaha have their act together when it comes to GOOD 76 arrangers, so I guess I'll have to be content with my relic's sax sound STILL sounding better than SA2 in the hands of 99% of the players that use it!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#293098 - 09/17/10 08:12 AM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by Diki: I've messed around quite a bit with the SA sax voices in the MoXS... to be honest, I'm not that convinced. Making them monophonic kind of limits your options (sometimes you WANT to go divisi), and, try as I might, I couldn't get even close to the famous SA sax demo. That thing was sequenced and massaged to hell and back, not live play in the slightest, and I've heard little from any live demo that elevated it far beyond what I can do with normal triggering technology.
Well, perhaps I'm skeptical, but can you get these inflections and detail with a Roland Sax sound? http://www.youtube.com/user/TyrosYamaha#p/u/184/ym_rwU1gX14 This is just played solo...can your G-70 and you get anywheres close to this? I'd like to hear it. Ian
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#293099 - 09/17/10 08:39 AM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Guys, dont't be offended and PLEASE don't take this the wrong way, BUT, you're BOTH missing the whole point. With 'the blues', you either 'get it' or you don't. Sounds to me like neither of you do. This posting was about MUSIC, not sax emulations, and I'm really sorry the two of you chose to take it so far off course. Sure, music is worthy of an intellectual discussion but ultimately it's about emotion. Blues can be played with two teaspoons, but if the discussion is going to devolve into 'the metalurgical makeup of the teaspoons, then you've obviously missed the point. I've tried to make this point but obviously you two aren't listening or are only interested in your own agenda's. Really discourages anyone from posting music.
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
#293104 - 09/17/10 12:43 PM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
It's simple guys... read this thread IN ORDER. Chas posts the song. Everybody likes it. I post that it's great. Chas mentions the sax solo being a lousy imitation, so I try to write a few things that might help him make the NEXT one not be seem lousy to him (me, I don't mind, as long as he's happy with it). Donny chimes in and asks me to post something that illustrates what I mean, although it will probably be impossible... (ever ask yourself what he means by THAT?) Ian steps in again, mentions another aspect and suggests going monophonic, then starts extolling the Yamaha SA sax sound, the first mention of any comparative sax review (you'll notice I am completely brand neutral in my post), although he says he likes the Korg sound too. Then a bit about how nothing gets realistic (not that anyone has said you can). Couple of fun posts, then another post where I, firstly, answer Donny's call for an example, then a few more details about how I go about getting the sound, and then the comment by Donny. "Like I said ...probably Impossible.." You want to pinpoint the time this started to go downhill, IMO, here it is. I graciously answered Donny's call for an example, and this is what I get?  Followed promptly by Ian's Greek chorus of 'Both would have been more realistic if they'd used SA sounds.' Now, sorry guys, but I know when I'm being dissed. At least Ian TRIES to be funny about it. Donny's taunt is pure snark. If it all goes downhill past this point, ask yourself who PUSHED it there. Ian's next comment is actually pretty nice, until he simply can't STOP himself from fanboy gushing about how much better it would be on a Yamaha SA sound, and the tone is set. Sorry it went that way, chas (and thanks for the invite... got rooms close to the race, but hopefully I'll have at least a bit of time to hang), but I made a point to make my comments brand neutral. Shame it didn't stay that way. Makes me wonder if it is possible to even TALK just about playing, here.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#293109 - 09/18/10 02:52 PM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
Originally posted by Dnj: Like I said ...probably Impossible..  Sorry, Ian, but where I come from, the FIRST person to shove is the one generally blamed for the melee... Of course, hockey rules are somewhat different, aren't they?  BTW, it's interesting that, after Donny specifically asked for an example, he hasn't said a WORD about it, or even acknowledged that I actually posted anything at all. Sorry, Donny, but ALL your requests for musical example will be completely ignored in the future, as it is obvious that they are mere taunts and not a sincere desire for any example whatsoever. Others are still welcome to ask, though. Perhaps Mr DiLeo is interested? 
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#293114 - 09/18/10 04:07 PM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by Diki: 
Sorry, Ian, but where I come from, the FIRST person to shove is the one generally blamed for the melee...
Where I come from, it takes two to have a scrap...that's if you aren't wise enough to walk away... I went to a fight last week, and a hockey game broke out. Did you play hockey, Diki, or was playing hookey as close as you got? Ian
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#293117 - 09/19/10 03:04 AM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by Diki: Ahhhh... I guess you guys, when someone comes up and sucker punches you, don't even have the stones to hit back. How nice.
No son, we usually return any cowardly strike with surprising rapidity, and with such skill and accuracy, the sucker puncher quickly becomes the sucker who's punched. 
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#293119 - 09/19/10 09:39 AM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by Diki: And, BTW, it was playing the hookah, not hookey OR hockey that got me into trouble!  And I said: No no no no, I don't smoke it no more I'm tired of waking up on the floor No, thank you, please, It only makes me sneeze And then it makes it hard to find the door. 
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#293120 - 09/19/10 10:08 AM
Re: Just felt like playing some blues
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
Guys, if I ever DO post another 'music' thread, do me a favor and don't post to it. If you feel as though you just HAVE to comment on it, send me a an email. It's annoying to see something posted in good faith, get so utterly trashed. Despite your proclamations to the contrary, I guess you really DIDN'T get Bebop's message. Still, I'm willing to bet that if Nigel were to intercede, you'd both feel as though you were being picked on.
I see that it has also spread to other threads as well. One sign of maturity is to know when enough is enough, and when to turn the testosterone spiggot off.
Here's an idea. How about starting your own 'knife fight' thread for just the two of you (with maybe guest appearances by DNJ). Seems better than commandeering someone else's thread. You could use the BAR, no, on second thought, not the BAR; we like the BAR. I'm not asking Nigel to shut this thread down (since it's useful life has long since been snuffed out), but it sure wouldn't make me unhappy.
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]