It's simple guys... read this thread IN ORDER.
Chas posts the song. Everybody likes it. I post that it's great. Chas mentions the sax solo being a lousy imitation, so I try to write a few things that might help him make the NEXT one not be seem lousy to him (me, I don't mind, as long as he's happy with it).
Donny chimes in and asks me to post something that illustrates what I mean, although it will probably be impossible... (ever ask yourself what he means by THAT?)
Ian steps in again, mentions another aspect and suggests going monophonic, then starts extolling the Yamaha SA sax sound, the first mention of any comparative sax review (you'll notice I am completely brand neutral in my post), although he says he likes the Korg sound too. Then a bit about how nothing gets realistic (not that anyone has said you can).
Couple of fun posts, then another post where I, firstly, answer Donny's call for an example, then a few more details about how I go about getting the sound, and then the comment by Donny. "Like I said ...probably Impossible.." You want to pinpoint the time this started to go downhill, IMO, here it is. I graciously answered Donny's call for an example, and this is what I get?

Followed promptly by Ian's Greek chorus of 'Both would have been more realistic if they'd used SA sounds.'
Now, sorry guys, but I know when I'm being dissed. At least Ian TRIES to be funny about it. Donny's taunt is pure snark. If it all goes downhill past this point, ask yourself who PUSHED it there. Ian's next comment is actually pretty nice, until he simply can't STOP himself from fanboy gushing about how much better it would be on a Yamaha SA sound, and the tone is set.
Sorry it went that way, chas (and thanks for the invite... got rooms close to the race, but hopefully I'll have at least a bit of time to hang), but I made a point to make my comments brand neutral. Shame it didn't stay that way. Makes me wonder if it is possible to even TALK just about playing, here.