This is off-topic here, but it's important for me to share this with the many members who don't participate in discussions on "The Bar".
My very good friend, Chas, just informed me that he is participating in the education of a very deserving Monk, who lives and goes to law school in Laos. I cover his tuition, and Chas just made an equal contribution towards his incidentals and miscellaneous education costs.
Our mutual friend, Taike, made the connection with Monk Noy. Taike also does on-going sponsorship of deserving Monks.
This completely unselfish, life-affirming gesture comes at a good time for me. If you check out the Bar, you'll see my youngest son. Ben, got mugged and injured on the job last Friday. On top of that, tomorrow, the widow of my long-time friend, George, is getting a visit from Code Enforcement and a social worker, which is almost certain to result in condemnation of her home and an emergency competency hearing. She has four kids, but, other than hustling her for everything she has, they have pretty much ignored her, as have all of her long-time friends, her church...everyone but one dear little 80 year old "Moms Mably" type woman, who visits regularly, schedules Dr's appointments, opens mail, tries to keep me on the "up and up" and lets me know if there is something I need to take care of. (I just took Margie to Hooters for lunch, bought her a "T" shirt and got the management to deliver a job application to the table (LOL).
Chas will be embarrassed at the attention, but he is one of those "benchmark" people in my life. We certainly could use more of people like him in the world. From an intellectual, personal, musical and humanitarian standpoint, he's a shining example of someone to admire and be thankful for. And that goes a long way towards negating the "bad" that surfaces...proof, to me, at least, that there are good folks in the world, if you look for them.
Plus, he "smokes" on his "Since I fell For You" post.
He's "da Man", in spite of being A KYMCO scooter nerd (LOL)!
Chas, you're a "prince", and I'm proud to be your friend.
Russ (Closet KYMCO Scooter Nerd, TOO) Lay
PS: I kid, but that 500cc Kymco, will "smoke" most two-wheelers-in style! I'm going shopping for mine Saturday. My 2002 People 150 has been GREAT! Chas is right..."Twist and Go" is easier on "old" hands and other body parts.