I'm kind of leaning towards going with an Audya (Audya10, maybe!) in maybe another five years or so..!

By that time, perhaps some of my basic problems with it will have been fixed, and the technology advance enough to allow for multiple streaming audio channels without having to make the compromises they did with this one.
But I guarantee that I'll be buying the FIRST Audya (or any other arranger, even, gulp! Yamaha

) that offers a TRUE Roland style Chord Sequencer..!
But I'm in no rush to change (unlike so many here). Still making great music with my relic, still nothing on the market with the sound and OS that convincingly beat my G70, still more interested in MAKING money than spending it (especially when spending it won't get me any more gigs than I already have!)....
I can wait...

BTW, I thought the demo just goes to show, an average sound in the hands of someone that knows how to phrase and play like a sax player trumps the best samples and technology in the hands of someone playing like a keyboard player! SA technology does a great job of assisting those that CAN'T control their technique all that well, but if you CAN, Korg, Ketron, Roland, ALL of them can be made to sound convincing. Maybe not QUITE as convincing as a Tyros or S910, but, at least for me, well enough that you don't feel tempted to give up the 76 JUST for that sound!