While I haven't actually searched back to see if this is true, I find it hard to believe that, prior to the 9000pro's debut, there weren't all KINDS of people (perhaps even the very same ones) asking why Yamaha didn't make a 76, and some people (again, probably the same ones!) gleefully predicting that it would NEVER happen...
Never say never...
What kind of market research did Yamaha do to convince them that there MIGHT be a market for a 'pro' 76 (even put the word in the name, Ian

) back then... I bet you they didn't poll the owners of their current 61's, THAT time round! One of the most inane things about this whole discussion is just how MUCH you have to completely ignore in the way of solid factual evidence, before the premise that Yamaha's decision to follow this path is based on solid research and actual data actually holds water.
Not only do all OTHER current arranger manufacturers find that there IS a market for good 76's, but Yamaha THEMSELVES, only a scant few years ago (and we CERTAINLY haven't changed as musicians since then!), found reason to make a TOTL 76. Plus, of course, you have to ignore that the 9000pro failed for reasons that had nothing to do with the 76 - or the 61 version wouldn't have failed, also.
You also have to ignore that Yamaha DO at this very moment make several 76's and 88's, they are just relegated to the 'poor cousin' 'home piano' division, denying them access to the technology that the pure arranger division gets. But they are still unabashedly arrangers in everything but name.
And finally, just as the cherry on the cake, you have to wonder about the shrill tone and combative stance of those SO determined to put themselves as avatars of the truth, and claiming that Yamaha will NEVER do this. If there WAS a preponderance of the facts to support their arguments, you wouldn't think this hysteria would be necessary. I sometimes get the impression that we are being treated like cartoonists depicting the Prophet Mohamed...
We have violated someone's RELIGION.

After all, the loudest braying about Yamaha's infallibility comes from ONLY the people that are satisfied with the status quo. Who also, in the event that Yamaha change their minds AGAIN, would have absolutely nothing to lose, and everything to gain. Imagine all those 76 players happily playing Yamaha, making far fewer 'bashes' (because that is what ANY criticism of Yamaha MUST be, eh?

) and jhoining in your little cult...
Nirvana! 'One of us.... One of us! One of us....!'

But no. The mere THOUGHT that Yamaha might not live up to their predictions is enough to induce this apoplexy of denial. Perhaps the bitter memories of Yamaha forsaking you in the past and TRYING to make something some of it's CURRENT customers didn't need (while not in the least preventing them access to what they already like) is bringing out this religious fervor..?
Just because the FIRST attempt failed, that's IT?

'If at first you don't succeed, QUIT..!'? Makes you kind of wonder why they continued with 61's, as bad as the 9000 was, also

It's time this discussion dropped the mantle of dogma, and started to relate to FACTS, rather than faith...

[This message has been edited by Diki (edited 09-27-2010).]