Actually may be right there..
In 1987...Shortly after I bought a Yamaha TOTL HS-8T organ with all AWM sound additinal plug ins (about 15)for $8,200 one of the older gents in my neiborhood told be he just bought a organ..I ask him what kind, he said Yamaha HS-8T. Wow I said, me too.
I asked him where he got it, yep, same place...I ask him how much..he said it was marked $12,750 on the tag. So he wrote them a check for it!!! Then he said he was thinking of getting some extra sound packs too!! OMG...those were $75-100 each! know they made money on me or they wouldn't have done it..look what they made on him!
I hear in can get a T4 for $7,000...WOW what a bargain (free lessons included).
Lee S.
Lee S.