A few weeks ago the FD-drive in my SD1 stopped functioning and I replaced it with a standard PC-drive (brand=ALPS)
Since the replacement I detected noise from the HDD and FDD (while working) in the speakers. After some checks it turned out to be caused by a 'earth-loop' in the new FDD.
In the original FDD the housing and the GND of the power-connection are isolated. In the new one GND and housing are electrical connected..... what causes a loop after the FDD is mounted in the metal SD1-housing.
Solutions :
1. I took the easiest way. Mounted the new FDD isolated with double-sided adhesive tape to prevent metallic contact.
2. Open the FDD drive and try to find where the GND (0 V)is connected to the housing. Then disconnect it (usually a soldering / jumper)
Now all the noise is gone !
Waiting for OS 4.0 ........... waiting ......... waiting ........ waiting.... will it ever come ?