Originally posted by Fran Carango:
I believe that SMF's are in separate folders as are the MP3's....Am I correct?
BTW: I know you cannot edit SMF's and save them in Songbook...It will revert back to the original...The Prelude saves any and all changes to the playlist (name for folder) automatically ...
I know the Songbook is popular, but if I recall the E80 with the MP3 option could save all to a user program..so it is on par with the Korg (with MP3 card)..
I don't know of any Yamaha or Korg (under $1,000) that will do what the Prelude does with media files...Does anyone else?
Comparing 3 or 4 times the cost to sorta match the media player of the Prelude...sure seems like an endorsement.. 
Nope they can all (MP3, MIDI, Text file, whatever) be in the same big folder if you like. I personally had them in different folders as that was my preference.
You said you liked any sort of media being in the playlist...I just said that the Korg does allow this too. You said it didn't. As for the Yammie I don't know so I did not comment on it.
That was a misunderstanding of your comment on my part, so sorry about that one. The way you wrote it was a little confusing.
And the E80 is NOT on par with the Korg in my view, as on the E80 you are still restricted to a max of 144 recallable via midi UPG setups, WITHOUT having to load up a new UPS.
As for edited MIDIS, the beauty of the Korg Songbook is, it is a pointer to the data..So all it does is recall whatever file you are using where-ever it is stored. So if the MIDI is edited then the Songbook recalls the edited midi file..
As for the under $1000 , I can only agree with that
