Nice to see you're upset by taxrates.
Pay taxes are something we know a lot about in Norway.
If you need a car, fill some gasoline, if you happen to buy tobacco/sigarettes or want a bottle
of wine, liqour or beer, well then get ready to emty your bankaccount!
We pay taxes of our income, low/mid income aprox 25 - 30% and it increase as the income increase.
Also pay extra tax when own properties like houses and ground etc.
Welcome to the club guys, but og course, the taxes also gain some sosial welfare and goodies if you
live long enough to need any ...........
Example carprices and taxes:
Chrysler Voyager 2.4 SE N.Kr 466.000,- (US$ 77667) (Taxes N.Kr. 287.000,- / US$ 47834) Taxes = 62%
Average tax when buy a car is aprox 50%.
Gasoline N.Kr 12,- pr. litre = US$ 2 (taxes aprox N.Kr 7,50 = US$ 1.20)
Also we have to pay a yearly luxurytax just to own a car, and a lot of roads we drive along have taxes
every time we pass certain roadpoints.
If we happen to save some of our money in the bank, we have to pay taxes of that as well, and when we
lay down and die and the kids happen to get what's left in our bankaccount etc, they have to pay taxes
of that as well........