Originally posted by Fran Carango:
Seriously the WK7500 could be worth checking out for a family instrument..76 keys are just right for kids learning keys..
Actually, it would be a pretty good instrument for beginners, although I believe piano teachers would want weighted keys.
It has on board Audio Recording...cool, much like the S910...I don't think the G-70 has this very handy feature.
Every year those old boards get more and more outclassed.
Even more seriously, I think the WK-7500 would be a great addition to a studio, for alternate sounds...I've always liked Casio, and now that the accompaniments reads On Bass chords, it would be fun to play, although the styles still only have two variations (the G-70 has four).
One thing that is seriously missing, is actual MIDI in/out ports (which I believe the G-70 has) which would increase it's usefulness even more.
I'll have to check to see if my local Casio dealer has got his in yet...should be fun, although I'd probably pick up the WK-6500.