I'm really new at this.
I've got a new win7 laptop & soundcard.
Recently upgraded my Band in a Box. To be able to use the Real Track Audio styles included in BIAB.
I'll be using Real Band sequencer (included with BIAB) rather than my more familiar Powertracks sequencer.
Real Band allows me to incorporate Real Track audio tracks into a song ie if I have a midifile or a song created on my PA800 & I want to replace the midi guitar track with a Guitar Real Track , I can just "generate" the guitar track into the song remove the midi one. Same goes for drums & some othe instruments.
Also a great way of having additional styles. I can either use BIAB midi styles a mix of midi & real track styles, or just 100% Real Track styles to create songs.
Only reason I'm getting into recording is, I can't convert a Real Track style into a keyboard style, so rather than miss out, I'll be recording them as backing tracks.
best wishes
[QUOTE]Originally posted by beachbum:
best wishes
Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022