Originally posted by leeboy:
I called Yamaha support to see how to do it/ask for a firmware change and they told me I didn't need to do this, it is a home kbd and all the sounds I could possible want are in there.
Lee S.
That just makes me want to cry!! I have nothing against Yamaha but a comment like that just makes them seem very "proud" and "one-way minded".
I used to own a Korg PA 800 but sadly enough I never even thought of the idea of adding a an external sound module or a Synth for additional sounds.
Now I am kicking myself!!
Still its to late to by a PA 800 in my opinion. I am going to wait for the next 61 note arranger models from Korg to come out as hopefully they are just around the corner!
I cant see myself buying another Yamaha Arranger for a long time.