#29952 - 07/24/07 12:10 AM
Re: IDE to CF for SD-1+ internal HDD
Senior Member
Registered: 02/23/01
Posts: 3849
Loc: Rome - Italy
Kalimero, I had an SD1 in the past and right now own a Midjay, along with a Tyros 2 and a Roland G-70, so I think I can comment on your question re. the SD1 sounds. In general, the strong point of all Ketron instruments are the styles, that are particularly live, thanks especially to the second drum track that plays live grooves. The sounds... well, let's say that they are "different", compared with Yamaha, Roland or Korg. They lack the same high fidelity quality but can still find their use in a musical context; on the Midjay the sounds seem a bit improved compared with the SD1 and my personal favorites are the organs, the woodwinds, the accordeons and a few others, like the vibraphone. Since you have asked about synth sounds, my opinion is that they are among the weakest ones of the bunch, so if you are looking for pads, synth brass, etc. my suggestion would be to look elsewhere. All this might change with the release of the new Audya, next year, but of course nobody has tried one yet. Hope this helps.
Korg Kronos 61 and PA3X-Pro76, Roland G-70, BK7-m and Integra 7, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, vintage Gibson SG standard.
#29955 - 07/27/07 01:01 PM
Re: IDE to CF for SD-1+ internal HDD
Registered: 07/23/07
Posts: 90
Loc: Dubrovnik, Croatia
I know that there are not so manny people using SD-1+ but those that use it tell only good words about it (although they might be subjective, most of them had or still have other keyboards, so I guess they can be trusted), and I know some recording studios use Ketron keyboards as well.
I want to buy the keyboard for home use, and would like to play mostly rock (old rock from '60. and '70. but also instrumentals (J. M. Jarre, Vangelis, etc.). From what I see, SD-1+ has sequencer and I can put any sound I want, but it's much easier when I already have it (although on S-900 there is no possibility of extending the keayboards with new sounds). For electronic music (synth and pads) Roland E series also look quite good (about 1000 sounds without GM), but Yammie is kind a easy to learn.
But back to the theme of the topic, I hope someone will try this IDE to CF adaptor, and I hope it will work, cause this way it would be much easier to use the keyboard with PC, adding new songs, setups, and everything.