Hi Scott
If this is same emailadress as you have in profile here at SZ or your website, it's most probably not
hacked accound but robots that search for email adresses at websites etc that use your adress as senders
reference when distribute spam.
If you use software like Firetrust MailWasher, you can see if that's so when look at the complete header
of the mail.
I can see lots of such spam uses my emailadress from my website, even if change it, it don't take long
before robots steal it again.
I have competely different emailadress used as personal/private to escape this, but when used over longer
period of time and correspond with lots of people, it's alway a risk that it happen again.
The worst thing is that our serious mails goes into recipients spamfolder .......
I can see some try post emaladresses in treads and websites by use AT instead of @
but don't know if it works.
Cheers 🥂
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)