Hi Lee
Thanks for the info...are you saying the MS has mega voice technology for the stles?
The short answer is Yes.
The long answer is.....Mega Voice is not a technology at all. A mega voice is nothing more than a sound with more than one mltisample assigned to it and some in some rare cases samples assigned as non-pitched samples. Dead basic stuff that's existed as far back as the AKAI S1000 days.
Sorry, I just had to say that. Yamaha's great at marketing things that have always existed.
Intros, Vars, fills, breaks, endings all work the same?
Just to go into more detail on this. In EMC you load your Yamaha style and you export it as a song. This exports a single midi file that contains all the parts of the style. In Qranger you can then define what measures equal what parts of the styles. The template EMC uses is always the same so it's easy to do.
Once the parts have been assigned they behave exactly like the original Yamaha file. Meaning you can use the Intro buttons, Fills, Variations, and endings as normal.
With Qranger any Yamaha style can be used correctly (except ones with SA-voices in them of course, they would need re-voicing)
I'd say that the level of success would be very high without any modification at all. Tastenpoint themselves reported that it was working extremely well under the current version of Qranger.
Wait an OS5.0 comes out. I'll port over some Yamaha styles and give you my feedback on what I think and how well I feel the conversion is.
I've the sounds, I just don't use them. My MS is setup to be a workstation. When I switch it to arranger mode it turns into a Ketron, not a Yamaha.