Call Roland Corp. The new Zip costs $129 (for VA76).My Zip disk Got busted too
.I was working on a song one night, then the other day i turn my va76 on to finish a song and it doesn`t respond(i almost passed out)first i tought that the drive was broken but then i found out that it was a zip disk
Alot of my songs were lost and songs for the other people!!!(they were very mad at me!!, but i was very sad)there was one song i was working on it nearly a year and it`s gone!!!When i found out that the zip broke by itself i was so mad at roland corp i wanted to kill them all,after a while i gave a zip disk to my And roland tells me to pay $129 for a zip And if you reed thru your manual it says that roland is not responsible for lost data.
[This message has been edited by Vadim (edited 08-14-2003).]