Hi everyone.
Here's a list of Roland links taken from my own website for anyone that's interested.
Roland G70/E80 forum The Danish G70 music forum. A great source for styles and user programs which will also work in an E80. The forum doesn't seem to support the E80 much, due to the lack of support or sponsorship from Roland directly, but it is definitely worth joining and it's free.
Roland Arranger forum A great new site for all things Roland
Roland SRX expansion boards site A superb flash site showing all of the SRX expansion boards available for the E80. Each board also allows you to audition certain patches, to give you an idea of the sound quality.
Roland UK expansion boards site Expansion cards available for the E80 again, with some demo sounds to listen to. Not as good a link as the one above, but it is still worth a visit.
JV80 expansion boards site Expansion board demos again. This link shows the JV80 boards. The latest SRX boards contain many samples from these JV80 boards. There are some great patches to listen to on here.
G70/E80 downloads Great files to download for the G70/E80
Also worth visiting are:
Roland TV A superb site with videos of various Roland products including the E80 and the excellent Sonar software.
E80 video and styles demonstration A very good Danish site that has links to an E80 video demonstration and also has demo links to the 12 style categories. A must visit for anyone wanting to hear this great arranger keyboard.
Roland keyboard club You can find new styles in the music shop to purchase, there is a video under multimedia, you can download the E80 product catalogue and under the support link for anyone new to the E80, watch Ralf Schink's tips and tricks which are excellent and even show you pictures of the E80 screen, which you can enlarge in order to follow the tips.
PVK PVK have released style packs for the Roland G70/E80. If you visit their site by clicking on my link, you can hear a demo of each of the styles available.
I hope you find the links of use