I am having trouble saving my settings to the power up mode on my mid jay. AJ had told me you had to be back at the C:/ root directory when you go to save the settings, but that doesn't seem to work. Occassionaly it will work, but I have no idea why. Has anyone solved this puzzle?
Also, My digitech vocalist has been acting strange. Sometimes it will work sometimes it won't. I have tried different cables so that's not the problem. The settings on the midjay stay the same so that's not the problem either. Could it be I have a Hanging situation or a leftover situation? By that I mean, I have all my vocalist instructions on Ch 16. Not every song has vocalist instructions and some use ch 16 for instruments. Could a non-vocalist midi, using ch 16, be screwing up the vocalist so that the next midi I play, that has vocalist instructions, won't work? This is what I suspect is happening. Anyone have any opinions on this? Do I need to insert a GM reset at the beginning and end of ch. 16 on every file or just the files that have the vocalist instructions? Any advice is appreciated.
E-MAIL: bobhughes13@mchsi.com