Thanks for your quick response! I am honored that I actually met you! I have a visited your web-site! I am still somewhat confused with casm, but as you said on your site.
If a chord type (e.g. the "aug" chord) is set to "On", all "aug" chords in the channel will play.
If a chord type is set to "Off" all chords of this type in the channel will be muted.
In what format is this information presented? There's no way that I activate or de-activate this last feature on the keyboard.
I'm actually new to the Yamaha line. My previous keyboards were Technics and are no longer making keyboards.
Unfortunately I must make my own styles as there is nothing in the keyboard (Tyros2) that meets my needs for certain types of music. I'm almost there though after having a very frustrating time using it with cakewalk.
But this last casm feature was obviously in my old keyboard (technics) because when I played certain types of chords, the accompaniment changed and when I played a fast passage, it also changed. This feature is "missing" in the tyros.
Thanks again and nice to meet you!
[This message has been edited by Piper-Pilot (edited 02-26-2007).]
[This message has been edited by Piper-Pilot (edited 02-26-2007).]