Originally posted by Craig_UK:
Good question Peter. Without looking into this more I'm not too sure how to asnwer this fully. I find triggering the SA effects with a pedal works best for me. I'm almost certain you can't set it to the highest note, but if you recorded the breath effect for example into your PC, you could easily convert it into a wav file and then load it back into the T2 and make it into a custom TVN sound or use it in a multi pad.
I've managed to get the thunder and lightening sample I wanted, I've made this into a wav so I've just got to get it back into the T2, but I'm positive this can be set up as one of the multipad buttons as it mentions this in the instruction book.
Scott Yee is also trying to make some custom effects so if he reads this he could help.
Thank you once again Craig for your advice, thoughts, etc.
I'm still awaiting delivery of my Tyros 2 so in the meantime trying to sort out a few things. You mention Craig possibly using a recording of the Breath as a custom TVM sound. Can you load in these custom TVM sounds into the internal memory? or do you need a hard drive?
For me to have the breath sound in the Multi pads would be best, that way I can keep my two pedals assigned as I've always had them.
Thanks again Craig