thanks Terry for your heads up here in the Tyros 2 Forum.
Everyone should know that Terry also has a Tyros 2 and had the tyros 1 also, even though he claims not to be a keyboard player and is a guitar and bass player.
I have played a gig with Terry and he is one of the best Guitar players I have ever had the pleasure to jam with.
I am a member of his forum and I highly reccomend it. Yes, you can belong to both forums
Terry's Forum is called Artisans and it has something for everyone. It is structured similiar to the Synthzone in that it has different sub forums for various items of interes. It also has a place to post your songs. Terry and his wife are big on Photography so if that is your interest you will find your self right at home with others like yourself.
Check it out.
best to all
[This message has been edited by BEBOP (edited 02-04-2006).]