HI All new Tyros Owners,
I have started a new Tyros Email list for us that will distribute and exchange music, information, and help, etc.
It currently has 21 members and there is no limit to how many of you could join this list as I only have to click one button to send or forward on to all of you. The only time consumed is setting you up in the list.
Due to a complaint by one member I have now split the list into large files (MP3) and small files (Midi). so you can choose to receive one or the other or both.
Send me an Email if you want to be on this list and recieve the emails. This list will not be for jokes, etc. I will forward whatever you send in as long as it pertains to our Tyros keyboards. You can drop off the list at any time by just sending me an email.
Looking forward to receiving some Tyros songs from those of you that have not yet sent in any.
27 members as of dark tonight Jan 13, 06
32 members now on Jan 17. Waiting on the rest of you to sign on
Best to all,
Bill the Bebop
[This message has been edited by BEBOP (edited 01-13-2006).]
[This message has been edited by BEBOP (edited 01-17-2006).]