Congratulations. We're glad you feel happy with your new Ketron SD1. Now to answer some of your questions above:-
1. The Midi files within the Midijay are mostly Italian and were installed for you to use and also as demos for the Midijay unit. This is true for most of the data installed in the midijay from the factory (wave, MP3, Midi ..etc) ~ something to get you started. There is no official list of the names of the Midifiles within this unit.
2. Yes, you can transfer ALL the MIDIFILES and STYLES from the HD of the Midijay to the HD of your SD1. They will play back closely identically. However files like REGISTRATIONS, WAVE (greater than 2MB), MP3, PLAYLIST and Machine files will NOT work in the SD1/SD1Plus/SD1Plus-EXP or other Ketron keyboard. These are exclusive to the Midijay only.
3. Registrations and NON transferable due to the fact that the machines are NOT idential. The information stored say within the MIDIJAY Registration might hold say lyrics or certain buttons that are on/off which are not in the SD1 and vis versa.