Could anyone let me know what is a source for vocal samples? I'm looking for single-note singing samples. They can be free or paid, no matter, I just need some *decent* ones. I want to use them to create a SoundFont I can use as a Choir "instrument" in compositions.
I prefer good but non-operatic singers, and ideally, the types of voices (male and female) one would hear in a Russian folk choir or a European folk group (IOW, not North American "country", or not like Britanny Spears, which I find to be too shallow and nasal for my taste). I did find a couple samples on the net but they sounded more like screaming and groaning than they sounded like singing.
Ideally, I would like samples of several notes in the singer's range.
Again, a for-pay CD source would be fine, so long as they'd let me hear a few of the samples before I buy the CD.
Thanks in advance!
- Kris Krieger