2. When playing Internet Videos (Youtube), I have no sound.
your mainboard onboard soundcard is disabled on bios. and youtube sound works only with your onboard sound card. lionstracs mixerboard is for music making and works with jack conection, you can not conect youtube or internet on jackinterface, only option download the video from youtube and use in MS.
4. The record button is not functioning
did you read qranger pdf manual?
read this becouse the record key is working:
Recording MIDI Tracks
For record new Midi tracks on qranger, the Jack midi connection must be connected in the session.
Open the qranger jack connection interface and connect from the Outputs port: Midi router: 23:OUT 9: keyboard qranger OUT, to the jack
Input Ports: 133:QRanger 0: Master, press the key: CONNECT. Now the midi connection are ready for start record midi tracks.
For enable the Midi connection records tracks on qranger, you have to toggle ON the mediastation key: RECORD ( TALK key).
When the RECORD key is activated ( RED) automatically will display the GM/GS sound patch interface and the Midi OUT will be switch to the
port: 23: OUT9 : keyboard Qranger midi OUT and connect direct on 133: qranger 0: master input.
When the RECORD key is activated will also remove the arranger split point to note 0, then the whole keyboard is available for the recording.
Under Record mode, from the Mediastation Sound patch interface, will be able to record in realtime the all 8 Slider CC controllers: Volume,
panpot, Rev send, chorus Send, delay send, Cutoff, resonance...
When the Record key will be turned OFF ( no led) the midi connection will disable and wil return back the Arranger Interface.
5. I would like to address for each style from the QArranger a session designed just to patch VSTi (loaded with contact 3). However, I do not manage the Routing Midi/Asio of QArranger to VSTi. Has someone perhaps already made this or is it perhaps not possible? If it is possible, how do I route what exactly?
this video from magic alfa on youtube is your answer:
http://www.youtube.com/user/Drugodugme#p/u/0/ibLzp6CPXNE 8. To further the instrument for the stage, etc. I would need to prepare myself the lost data. Style of QArranger, the Tyler Live with style in the old version first, sample library, etc.
Here I know no further. I had assumed that, as in the manual OS 3.0 is described, I can download the module from gftp Liontracks and so the system can complete without problems again.
after you has everything you need on MS, backup your folders inside home folder + .wine folder(this is a hiden folder, so you need on menu selct show hiden files.) on a exetrnal harddrive. after a fresh install copy you folders from external harddrive to MS home folder. select on menu show hiden files and copy your .wine folder to MS home folder deselect agin show hiden files and you are finish. you do not have to install everthing again(only O.S after a crashed harddrive). one more option buy a external sata hardrive (then disable first your internal hardrive on bios) install everthing you need O.S..............on your external sata harddrive ( when you are finish and you have everthing on this external O.S and inside home folder, you can remove again the external sata hardrive and set again internal sata harddrive inside bios on) ,on gig if you have problems with internal hardrive on bios disable internal hardrive conect your external sata hardrive to your mainboard and you have everything back in 2-3 minutes (do not forget you pc keyboard and mouse for this). easy or not
or maybe
[This message has been edited by AFG Music (edited 04-13-2010).]