The problem here is a little different.
We have a team here that develope ONLY the LIONSTRACS OS application and then the team from UK build the final package into the kubuntu distribution.
we still develope here with the FIST Kubuntu 9.10 release, because we can not every time format the HD and install again the compiler tools and 1300 Mb of source code.
It mean that on my own developement groove I have a old Kubuntu OS and every time that 64studio update, will also update TON of new linux drivers.
This difference happen always with Wine, Jack, Audio codecs and so on..every time about 200-400 new update drivers.
For that then in my Groove developemet board and christian board the OS work and then on new OS update some stuff are not working.
From the old OS 3.x debian to OS 4.x Kubuntu 9.10 all is changed and for sure I lost some test MANY features to test every time.
This week we start to fix again the bugs, but I'm sure that soon on new Kubuntu 10.04 come out new bugs again.
I prefer to have some bugs around but have always a more stable and fast Linux OS, than stopping the Linux OS and then not have the possibility to use the new hardware.
Important is continue always on the developement and stay always one step head from the others.
Everyone can have bugs...look right now my webserver from Theplanet...DOWN!!
Ticket 6539807PLNT was updated
Ticket Summary: Possible Malicious Inbound Traffic to IP -
Ticket Queue: Technical Support
To much traffic..we get more than 3 milion visit and about 50 attack hakers...
I belive that they can fix asap..all my emails are down too....