Originally posted by Irishacts:
Yes, but Lionstracs are pulling Patch names that will be displayed on the screen from the actual giga file names.
It's a shame we didn't work together on this when Lionstracs were making changes to Linux Sampler because the way it's been implemented now you must make sure your file names make sense as the file name will be displayed as the Patch name on the screen.
Where if we had of worked together on this, we could have made use of my editor to allow you to freely name a Patch on the screen without even caring what the actual Giga file name was.
lol...all is calculated..

on your LSPC system you have to add the last fild after the Persistent/ On Demand, you have the filename.gig that this one will displayed on the MS GUI.
here the LSCP string example that I made for you:
# MIDI instrument map 0 - Chromatic
MAP MIDI_INSTRUMENT 0 0 0 GIG '/home/mediastation/GigaLibrary/SoundbankGM2/001Acoustic\x20Grand\x20Piano/GrandPiano.gig' 0 0.9 PERSISTENT 'Open Platform!! [0]'
MAP MIDI_INSTRUMENT 0 0 1 GIG '/home/mediastation/GigaLibrary/SoundbankGM2/002\x20Bright\x20Acoustic\x20Piano/BrightPiano.gig' 0 0.9 ON_DEMAND_HOLD 'James... [0]'
MAP MIDI_INSTRUMENT 0 0 2 GIG '/home/mediastation/GigaLibrary/SoundbankGM2/003\x20Electric\x20Grand\x20Piano/003\x20Electric\x20Grand\x20Piano.gig' 0 0.9 PERSISTENT 'Edit your LSPC [0]'
MAP MIDI_INSTRUMENT 0 0 3 GIG '/home/mediastation/GigaLibrary/SoundbankGM2/004\x20Honky-Tonk\x20Piano/HonkyTonk.gig' 0 0.9 ON_DEMAND 'Editor, the last.. [0]'
MAP MIDI_INSTRUMENT 0 0 4 GIG '/home/mediastation/GigaLibrary/SoundbankGM2/005\x20Electric\x20Piano\x201/05-00\x20E\x20Piano\x201.gig' 0 0.9 ON_DEMAND 'name sound.. [0]'
Here is the update Gui with the new text:
so..just add this filed on your application and you are able to write and see on GUI what you like.

is good?
Now I upload the new Current update with the fixed velocity engine, new Performance combi and some else..
let me know
[This message has been edited by LIONSTRACS (edited 05-04-2010).]