Originally posted by LIONSTRACS:
[B]I dont have nothing to hide on my propietary OS...we are still waiting that someone is able to clone 5 years of code...
Maybe someone there remember that I have released 6 months ago the all source code of the qranger...and still this good linux developer is not able to make running
without my hardware can NEVER work my software, this is my KEY protection.
Here you can see the all new features/bugfix we made in around 15 days.
We already know that you're good PCB designer, you also protect your software well as you say it works only with your hardware. I tried Wubi installer with your O.S to install on my laptop, after installation it will not work because I have and ATI video card, also it is also user name and password protected and the O.S also looking for other MS parts. So that does not work.
i installed a clean normal kubuntu with wubi installer and i used qranger editor.deb and other files for qranger from O.S ISO, result i am able to run qranger editor on my laptop So you must think of something to protect qranger editor.so the only thing you can use is qranger editor.qranger style player works with API code that can only be used with MS hardware.
I have found a worse leak on gFTP so please contact me.
and Domenico, VLC media player is very good media player.........
[This message has been edited by AFG Music (edited 06-09-2010).]