Hey Ketroners!
Finally I get my EXP copy and install it in my SD1+.Can you imagine I been pretty exciting about and I couldn't wait a minute to start it.
Well...it comes with a huge library of new patterns, mdifiles and of course new patches.
New grand piano, a litlle crispy for my taste ,but present and punchy.
Excelent B3..very nice done, new guitars, very good jazz one and a very natural unplugged guitar remembers me of Roland's virtual guitars.Also 2 new saxes, very rocky,beautiful for power solos!
MAny new patterns, using the new tones sounds fat and modern, 36 specially edited for EXP set of tones.
The new settings for vocalist are interesting but depends of each of us...
Genarally speaking..a good and necesary improvment, I like the new guitars,'cause I need good guitars playing country and blues.
The single problem I see is loading time...I think I'm gonna get rid of some samples and patterns to makeit faster.It needs around 4 min to load everything..that can be a problem for live playing if you have a crash.
So...finally..it's nice to have it anyway.
Thanks AJ...keep the good working!
[This message has been edited by viocaia (edited 08-26-2006).]