I was hoping for something new in the PSR series, but maybe that will come later. Looks like Yamaha "only" releases the new NP-31 and NP-11 mini pianos, and that Karma Labs announce Karma for the Motifs... maybe that is why Kay has been on bad terms with Korg?
Anyway here is the press kit - shameless lifted from the Korg Forums.
Yamaha NAMM 2011 Press Kit I hope Roland will amaze us all with a new TOTL arranger - or maybe a whole new line of arrangers - but looks like the "G-90" will not be hapening now - this is just rumors. And that arranger module will not be released until summer I heard.
If no news from Roland, looks like Korg has the edge with the new Kronos and PA3X (wasn't that a bit soon for a new PAxX?)