at the end a VH demo also...
This is Marco Riedijk. One of the Dutch Yamaha demonstrators.
Hi all,
Here's my freely translation of Marco Riedijk's demo. It captures the essence of what he's saying.
Hope this is helpful for you non Dutch speaking Tyros players!
Hi ladies and gentlemen,
Welcome to this promotion video of the Tyros4. I'm going to show the differences between the Tyros 4 and Tyros 3. The Tyros 4 now contains over 500 styles. 80 are new. All styles that were taken from the T3 have been revoiced. They have new drum kits, new OTS and all other things related to a style. So a style from the T3 sounds different in the T4. I'll show a few to you.
The first one is a Violin. In the T3 it sounds like so.... Now in Tyros4.
Gothic Voice in T3. And in T4.
French Horns in T3, and T4. So you have much more dynamics.
Glockenspiel [Bells?]...
One of the great sounds are the Shadows sounds. The T3 already sounds su-per [thumbs up] good. When you hear them now in the T4... Ooh! Listen.
This is only a small part of the voices in the T4. One can say that all voices are much better than in the previous model.
When you open a style group, you'll see the groups look different. First of all, we have new icons. Secondly, it isn't mentioned twice that we have a "pro" style. I'll page through them.
One of the styles is the Ethereal style. It has beautiful choirs.
One of the new voices are the strings. Listen to, in the Ballroom, the Vienna Waltz.
In Movie & Show, we have String Concerto.
There are new styles in the Entertainer category.
Also new style in the Pop & Rock section.
The Tyros4 received new organs. One is a very familiar one. When I press Organ Flutes, I can choose Sing [??], Vintage or Euro. The Euro is new to the Tyros4, and come from the Wersi. So you have new Wersi drawbars.
You can use these drawbars for FreePlay.
In the Entertainment category, you'll find AlbertSchlager[??]. With this style, you can play all Dutch hit songs.
All Voice groups now have SuperArticulation voices. The ConcertGrand, and other piano's here, are now SA. More samples have been used, so they sound different from the T3.
[speaking through the vocoder] The vocoder is new to the T4. You get a different [human] voice by playing chords. This is a lot of fun, although it sounds a bit 80's.
[normal voice] The new Vocalist doesn't look at all like the previous one. Try for yourself.
[sings and plays Dream dream dream]