True story...
A friend of mine, who is a
retired fisherman, did something similar...sold his keyboard (also on his wife's urging) and waited for the next new model, which was estimated to be introduced in a
few months.
Needless to say, the estimate was wrong, and, after about four months, his wife
left him, saying that he had become impossible to live with (apparently playing music was like therapy to him) and eventually she filed for divorce.
The settlement wound up in her favor, and she got half his pension, and he wasn't able to afford a new keyboard, or even a decent second hand one.

I remember this well, because the store I worked for (in Newfoundland) felt sorry for him, and
donated a PSR-510 to the poor guy.
It all worked out in the end, I suppose, but I know I couldn't go even a
few weeks without my "fix" of playing my keyboard...I'm nutty enough even when I'm playing regularly...I'd not want to find out what I'd be like after a
few months without enjoying my arranger.
And, in case you're wondering, I'm divorced.
My ex-wife eventually got re-married to my best friend...

I haven't found out his name yet, but when I do, I'm sending him a thank you card...
Now, back to exploring the's a tough job, but someone has to do it...may as well be me.
