I bring this one up every now and again, possibly time for a new go-round...
Have any of you got ideas for arranger features that ARE NOT on any current arranger (to your knowledge)?
I have a few... 
I would like to see a 3/4 - 4/4 equivalency button, for going from jazz waltzes to jazz swings in the same bar timebase. In other words, 4/4 in the time of 3/4 and back.
I would like to see an expanded range for the LH chord recognition area, so that, if you play a chord in higher inversions, the style can take some of the parts (selectable) and use the same voice leading, or go higher on a virtual guitar neck.
Which is tied in, I guess, with better voice leading on arranger parts, to avoid the sudden jumps that often occur changing chords. Have piano parts, and the like follow the voice leading of the actual chord played.
I'd like to see EVERY SINGLE PARAMETER on an arranger be part of the Registration structure, not the current 'some are, some aren't' which is so arbitrary.
I'd like any 'Easy Piano' 'Easy ARR' and so forth one button quick setups to be completely programmable, to allow for individual chord recognition types, split points, modes and anything else a normal Registration can have, otherwise, for many power users, they are just a waste of panel space.
I'd like to see any unused MIDI channels for the RH section of an arranger tasked to a separate keyboard input MIDI channel, and all normal keyboard functions (sounds, split points, controller assignments, effects etc.) for it stored in the Registration. Instant PROPER two manual home organ (or anything else you can think of for it!). Just use a 'dumb' one MIDI channel second keyboard, and have the
arranger take care of its layout.
I'd like to see a standard mike mount thread on the top panel or back of all arrangers, so you can quickly mount a boom right on the arranger, rather than having to haul a whole mike stand.
I'd like to see styles with a separate fill for EACH destination. On a four variation arranger. that's sixteen fills. MUCH smoother transitions, no repeated fills!
I'd like the headphone/monitor output to be able to have more RH in it without it being reflected in the main outs. We always want to hear ourselves a little louder than is good for a FOH mix!
OK... that's enough for right now! Please let us know what YOU would like that current arrangers DON'T have (just arranger features, please), or point out any current arrangers that DO do any particular feature.