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#31779 - 12/11/02 08:34 PM TO AJ
Mosiqaar Offline

Registered: 12/01/01
Posts: 999
Loc: Atlanta, GA, USA
Do you have a list of the modifications that have been added to the new OS for the X1. The reason I ask, because maybe there are a few minor last minute changes you guys can do, if we ask....just an idea.

Any idea when will it release?

#31780 - 12/12/02 01:15 AM Re: TO AJ
Ketron_AJ Offline

Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3610
Loc: Middletown, DE

To be honest with you, I have not started work yet on OS updates for the X1. Been busy modifying OS for XD and SD1. I can assure you though the next OS for the X-series will have some of the suggetions you mention here so do please mention them. Remember though that due to limited memory space, not all can be incoorporated. Realease will be around Feb (if we maintain this schedule).
Design Engineer & Product Specialist.

#31781 - 12/12/02 02:26 AM Re: TO AJ
Mosiqaar Offline

Registered: 12/01/01
Posts: 999
Loc: Atlanta, GA, USA
Hi AJ,

Thanks for the quick reply. I have posted in different places along with other people ideas for the new X1 OS. Did you take notes of those, or do you want me to paste them in here again? I just did not want to be redundunt.

Please let me know if you prefer me making a new list on this forum.


#31782 - 12/12/02 09:36 AM Re: TO AJ
Ketron_AJ Offline

Registered: 03/21/01
Posts: 3610
Loc: Middletown, DE

Pls. proceed to place list here. I did collect some points here and there but it would be way easier if I see all the points in the same place - this was why I had Nigel create this separate forum that I could use for quick access to Ketron users, rather than searching all over the place.

Advise others to add here too for there is still time before development of a new OS for the X-series gets in progress.


Design Engineer & Product Specialist.

#31783 - 12/12/02 12:04 PM Re: TO AJ
Denis007 Offline

Registered: 11/15/01
Posts: 182
Loc: Ottawa,ONT,CANADA
Hello AJ,

Last time I have collected suggestions from X1 users regarding the OS upgrade and posted under your topic named " NEW SD1 improvements! Respond ASAP".
I have tried to extract the list again but I cannot access the topic, maybe it is gone.
I hope you have a copy somewhere.

Anyway, here are the things that I would like to see in new X1 OS:

1. Introducing the ROOTLESS CORD RECOGNITION, which was implemented in SD1 upon users request. This is very important for people playing jazz on X1.

2. "Returning" the FADE OUT button in Arabic OS for X1. This is a nice feature for live performances, which is present in the regular X1 OS. I don't know why it was removed from Arabic version.

3. Solve the "freezing problem" which occurs after switching between two different tones with after touch activated. Mosiquar described this problem.

4. Make possible extraction of .SND samples from different oriental kits (8MB and 16MB) and using them independently from the loaded kit. With this feature we would be able to have 8MB sounds with 16MB kit downloaded.


#31784 - 12/12/02 02:15 PM Re: TO AJ
mc Offline

Registered: 07/17/01
Posts: 870
Loc: New York
Hi AJ,

I have the X1 for a couple of years now. I enjoy the X1 a lot. From speaking with Lou at Ketron, Nyack, NY. I don't think that they will be making some of the styles that are on the Sd1 be compatiable with the X1. I would hate to get sell the X1, just to upgrade styles. I have the ms40,50,100 package, but when you load them in the X1. They lose a lot of their orignal sound. (they don't sound the same then on the ms50/100)so my request is possably have some Sd1 styles for the X1 and maybe a better convertion from ms styles to X1 styles. (like the sd1 has, the button to convert ms series styles).
I've been a big Ketron customer starting with the ms50 then to the ms100 finally to the X1. (I still have the ms50 too, sold the ms100 for the x1).

So if you can please help me on this, it would be a big help. Thanks, Mario
Ketron X1 (Oldie but Goodie)

#31785 - 12/12/02 02:53 PM Re: TO AJ

Rootless Chord Recognition and the BASSIST feature found on the XD series are high priorities for me. The possibility of producing a custom soundbank with individual instrument samples from various soundbanks available at Ketron would also be great. This could possibly be done externally to the keyboard, with the help of a piece of software (?).


-- José.

#31786 - 12/17/02 02:39 AM Re: TO AJ
Mosiqaar Offline

Registered: 12/01/01
Posts: 999
Loc: Atlanta, GA, USA
One thing I remember off top of my head AJ is....the volume control of the outter slides on the screen of the X1.

Right now, we are unable to change those slides to different settings and keep them there without using the LOCK buttons. The thing is, they are locked without the use of the lock buttons, they never do change...all that does change is the values of each track under ARRANGE VIEW. What I am asking is for them to stay locked, but for us to be able to change the values on them.

To explain drum track slide is set to 52, even though in arrange view i have the value at 63. When I do use the volume buttons on the left side to raise the slide to 63, the drum track does increase in volume. the problem is, as soon, as I change styles...the slide drops back to 52, and after that it stays there no matter what i change. I even tried to save the slide at 63 with registration. When u call up the registration, it does move the slide from 52 to 63, but again, as soon as you change styles (or patterns), it drops the slide to 52...even though the registration did not change.

I would like to see where if I raise the slide to 63, it stays there no matter what. The only way I found to do that so far is with the use of the DRUM LOCK (for the drum track). That is not convenient, because that LOCKS both the slide and the value on the ARRANGE VIEW for that track...and I don't want my ARRANGE VIEW VALUES to be locked, cause they are different from style to style.

You think its doable? It just never made sense to me that I cannot reset the values on those slides ever since I bought that X1...its like they are factory set at
52 ->drums
55->chords and orchestral

Thanks AJ

#31787 - 12/18/02 03:39 AM Re: TO AJ
Calypso Offline

Registered: 10/01/02
Posts: 59
Loc: Switzerland, Europe
Rootless chord recognition would certainly be number one on my list.

Changing voices in real time when using Pattern Edit would be my next wish. At present I have to stop the pattern playing to change voices, and then restart it to hear the effect of the new voice. Rather clumsy!

Thanks AJ

[This message has been edited by Calypso (edited 12-18-2002).]


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